By: Krishni Loganathan B.A. (Hons.)
Valentine???s Day expresses feelings of love and associates this with one of the most important organs in the body, the heart. Our heart is so vital to our existence, which is why February marks Healthy Heart Month, where Canadians are encouraged to begin to take a more pro-active approach to improving their health and reducing their chances of heart disease and stroke. More Canadians are encouraged to change their lives and start living a more healthy and active lifestyle this month.
Heart Awareness continues to increase and Canadians are fortunate to have the resources at their fingertips. With social media as a tool, information travels instantaneously to each person, and search engines like Google bring up valuable resources to use. Statistics like 1 in 3 Canadians have suffered from heart disease and stroke are frightening numbers but very accurate statements that need to be known. Heart disease and stroke is the number 1 cause of death in women but many women are still not aware of this.
Cardiologists encourage men and women to not only improve their eating habits but to also include physical activity in their lifestyle. A healthy diet alone will not decrease your chances of heart disease and stroke, but also incorporating some form of exercise can support this healthy lifestyle.
We all want to lead a healthy longer life so reducing your chances of heart disease would be the first step and can be done by following these guidelines;
- Be physically active.
- Be smoke- free
- Know and control your blood pressure.
- Eat a healthy diet that is lower in fat, especially saturated and trans fat.
- Achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
- Manage your diabetes.
- Limit alcohol use.
- Reduce stress.
- Visit your doctor regularly and follow your doctor???s advice.
Monsoon Journal wishes everyone a Happy Valentine???s Day and Heart Healthy Life all along.